[хоть + VPImper these forms onty; fixed WO]
1. [usu. subord clause]
whatever you do, however much you try, you cannot attain the desired result:
- no matter how hard you try;
- try as you might;
- try as hard as you like;
- knock yourself out.
     ♦ Асеев записал слова Есенина: "Никто тебя знать не будет, если не писать лирики: на фунт помолу нужен фунт навозу - вот что нужно.А без славы ничего не будет, хоть ты пополам разорвись - тебя не услышат" (Гладков 1). Aseyev wrote down his [Yesenins] remarks word for word: "If you don't write lyrics, no one will ever know you for every pound of flour, you need a pound of dung. Without fame, you won't get anywhere, try as hard as you like - no one will listen" (1a)
2. [usu. impers predic]
(used when s.o. has to do several things at once, be in several places at the same time) it is very difficult for s.o. to cope with all the things he has to do simultaneously:
- I have <he has etc> only got two hands (, after all);
- there is only one of me (him etc).
     ♦ "Хозяйство, дети - все на мне, - жаловалась Мария, - все приходится самой делать. Хоть разорвись..." "It's all on my shoulders," Maria complained, "the housework, the kids. I have to do everything myself, and I've only got two hands, after all."

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